Feedback Resolution

INTENT: To ensure employees and individuals of PNGI are aware of the proper channels to follow in the event of a complaint against a PNGI employee or a PNGI decision. 

  • If an employee or individual has feedback with regards to the performance of a PNGI employee or a supervisor, a concern about a decision made, or a concern about something that is happening on the job, the following steps should be taken:

  • Address your feedback in a clear and kind manner with the individual that you have the concern with within forty-eight (48) hours.  If you are feeling uncomfortable doing this you may ask for assistance.  Please document in writing your complaint/concern as this often helps for clarity on identifying the issue.  

  • If there is no resolution address your concern with the supervisor within three (3) days.  

  • If there is still no resolution address your complaint with PNGI’s C.E.O. within one (1) week. 

  • If unresolved a meeting can be set up with the complainant, the individual, their advocate friend or family member, and a supervisor/C.E.O. within one (1) week of the incident.  If the one (1)-week timeline does not work there will be agreement on a timeline for the meeting. 

  • If still unresolved and the concern involves an individual CLBC will be included and a plan will be put in place to address the complaint/concern. 

  • If still unresolved and the concern involves an employee, a private mediator or representative from employment standards/labor relations can be involved. To ensure a timely resolution this process will be completed within one (1) month of the incident. If this timeline is not feasible a plan will be in place agreed to by both parties to address the complaint.


INTENT: To clarify that PNGI is an agency that creates safe, supported space for everyone to be who they are in their full authenticity. We will NOT accept any behavior that alters this platform. PNGI does not believe in ANY form of punishment and abuse. 

          PNGI will not tolerate any form of physical, sexual, emotional, verbal, psychological abuse, or any form of neglect, harassment or exploitation. Abuse is defined as any act or behavior by an employee, volunteer, visitor, independent contractor or individual that results in physical, emotional or mental harm to another. 

     People of the organization have a right to an environment which is safe and free from abuse. Any employee who, upon investigation, has inflicted abuse may be terminated. Any employee who has knowledge of an incident of suspected abuse has the responsibility to report the incident to their supervisor immediately. Failure to do so may result in severe disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. 

          This policy does not negate the right of an employee to move away from an individual who is acting in a way which might harm the employee provided that the client is left in a safe situation. In these situations, the employee must immediately report the situation to the supervisor in charge.

      In order to maintain an atmosphere in which people may live and work without fear of abuse, all reported incidents are thoroughly investigated and addressed.


All concerns by individuals, families, employees, volunteers or other persons of possible abuse must be reported immediately to the responsible supervisor/C.E.O.

If a situation arises which an employee feels incapable of handling, or if an employee is abused by an individual, the employee must withdraw from the situation as soon as is practical and seek assistance. The individual must be in a safe situation. Employees are forbidden to punish or to take retaliatory measures against a client. 

Any employee who has witnessed a suspected abuse of an individual or suspects that an abuse has occurred shall report the incident or suspicion immediately to the person in charge. Failure to report such an incident may result in disciplinary action. 
Reporting false and/or defamatory reports will be dealt with through the disciplinary process outlined in our Conflict Resolution Policy.

The supervisor/C.E.O. shall commence an investigation immediately and conclude the investigation as expeditiously as possible. 
Depending on the severity of the suspected abuse, the employee shall be removed from the workplace pending the outcome of the investigation and shall normally be without pay. Such removal is not to be considered a disciplinary response to the alleged incident.

Should the outcome of the investigation not result in termination, the employee shall be reimbursed accordingly.
PNGI shall report the suspected abuse to the appropriate licensing body. Depending on the severity of the suspected abuse, PNGI may contact the police and/or the applicable professional or regulatory body to which the employee belongs.

After the completion of the investigation and thoroughly reviewing all documented information, including the resolution of any conflicting information, a decision will be made regarding the appropriate disciplinary response, if any. If the investigation provides proof of such abuse, the employee(s) shall be disciplined accordingly, up to and including termination. All documentation will be made available for civil or criminal proceedings upon court order or subpoena.

All staff and volunteers are required to provide a signed copy of this policy. The policy will be reviewed yearly at staff performance evaluations and/or volunteer review. 

Person Centered Philosophy 

Intent: To clarify what we believe is person-centred Philosophy and to verify how it impacts our vision, values and decision-making.

Person-centred thinking is a philosophy behind service provision that supports positive control and self-direction of an individual’s life.

At PNGI, we believe that the individuals drive our service; business is conducted flexibly from the individual up. Our programs, procedures and
business practices are intended to empower people and promote personal independence.

We believe that every individual has a unique and valuable perspective and that choice is a primary element of living a meaningful life with dignity.
We choose to trust individuals to define their best life and design our work to help each individual gather the tools, skills and strengths to
succeed on their own terms. We are intentional and purpose-driven in our work, and we empower others to do likewise.
 The individuals’ holistic best interest is at the core of all decisions we make. We actively consult individuals to understand their input and perspective.

We honour individuality. We treat all individuals with dignity and respect.

Our Value Statements were created with the individual leading the way. 




Codes of Ethical Conduct 

: To provide guidelines on the standards of conduct and work ethics to follow when faced with ethical dilemmas and clarify standards of conduct that contribute to developing a culture of trust and credibility in the performance of our services.  

By policy PNGI is committed to the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct. This includes a commitment to the importance of ethical concerns, concern for one’s own professional conduct, encouraging ethical behavior by others, and consulting with others on ethical issues. 

We are guided by Respect for All people. 

All people in every situation, regardless of circumstance will be treated with respect and dignity. 
We are committed to treating the individuals we serve, and one another with kindness, respect, care, and consideration at all times.
We are committed to a positive work environment with equal employment opportunities and a workplace free of harassment. 
We chose to use “people first” language as we recognize that everyone is human, a human being and a citizen first and that the barrier/diverse ability is a part and does not completely define an individual. When discussing individuals, we avoid labels in order to avoid a perceived and subconscious dehumanization. 
By policy all business practices of PNGI will be done with the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct. 
Please ask questions and bring forward concerns. Our goal is to provide services guided by ethical practices, our mission, and our values. 

Our Codes of Conduct are living documents which will mature and clarify as our understanding and knowledge grows.  

Our Codes of Conduct and policies are consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Canada being a signatory country to both these conventions.  


All employees must read the Employee Code of Ethical Conduct Document and sign off confirming they understand. 

All who work for or volunteer for PNGI acknowledge that these codes and policies guide how we act with those we serve, each other as colleagues, and those we previously served, regardless of the role we play or the position we hold. 
All employees shall adhere to PNGI Policies and Procedures relative to their job functions and shall comply with legal and regulatory requirements. Any breaches of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and/or termination, depending on the severity of the incident. 

We take a no-reprisal approach to any inquiry, complaint when dealing with violation of our ethical Codes of Conduct.  

These ethical guidelines are a set of ethical standards that sets boundaries for acceptable personal and professional behavior in carrying out our duties. The individuals coached can expect employees will adhere to this code of conduct.

Informed Consent and Informed Refusal  

To clarify how we ensure we have the required documentation on file to validate the wishes of people and their respective required signatory. PNGI honors the individual’s rights and voice first and documents their wishes and consent. 

It is a legal requirement to have consent and the CARF standard states that consents must be time limited, and the time documented on the consent. 

Consent to Treatment: 

Staff must ensure that individuals coached are able to make an informed decision by the provision of full and unbiased information. 

The information given must be understandable for a reasonable person to understand the service and decide. The information must include the nature of the service, the reason for the service, and the risks and benefits of the service to be provided. The person providing consent must have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers about the service. 

Informed consent or refusal or expression of choice must cover service delivery, release of information, concurrent services and composition of the service delivery team. 

Consent may be obtained in several ways. Consent may be expressed orally, in writing or may be implied from the individual’s words, writing, and or actions. Consent may be inferred by individuals conduct.  

Employees must document all consents. 

In obtaining consent for services, we are also asking for consent to use personal information. Employees must inform the person(s) coached that collecting, using and disclosing personal information is needed and why it will be used. Employees must also determine and share with the person giving consent the scope of information needed, the length of time we need to keep the information and what limits there is on the use of the information.

We will ensure our records are kept confidential with the legal exception of when we must disclose information. These exemptions are when the information is needed in an emergency or legal responsibility to report. 

Consent must be documented on the individual’s file. If an individual refuses services, this must also be recorded and this record must include the consequences of the refusal that have been explained to the individual. 

With electronic charting the paper copy of the consent is scanned into the chart. Every Consent for Services and Consent to Release and Obtain Confidential Information form must be an original, and must be signed, dated, and witnessed.

If verbal consent is obtained staff documentation must include the particulars of the consent, the date, how the consent was obtained and who obtained the consent.

 All Consents to Release and Obtain Confidential Information will be valid for up to one year unless otherwise noted on the form. For more information refer to Freedom of 
Information (FOI) Act. 

Consent is invalid once an individual is totally discharged from PNGI services.

All revisions to Consent for Services and Consent to Release and Obtain Confidential Information must be clearly indicated, signed, dated and witnessed.

Every client, family/guardian has the right to:
Give or refuse consent.
Select a particular form of available intervention.
Revoke consent.
Expect that the decision to give, refuse or revoke consent will be respected.
Be involved to the greatest degree possible in all services, including assessment and intervention planning and decision making.
Have their decision not affect the provision of other PNGI services if they refuse one service. Be involved to the greatest degree possible in all assessment and intervention planning/decision making. 

Consent must be obtained for:
Services for each individual prior to the initiation of services, and when guardianship is changed.
        B) Employee transportation of individuals.
        C) For taking of photographs and use of social media/press releases. 
D) Referral to other services. 
E) Releasing and obtaining information-
F) If being done by policy the administration of medications. 
Reports generated by PNGI will only be released with Informed Consent of the person coached, parent or guardian or where authorization for access or release of information is provided by legislation.

Written consent is preferred, but verbal consent can be used. When using verbal consent, it is necessary to verify who is giving consent and the legal authority to give Consent. All consents must be documented on the individual’s file. 

Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual Coached

INTENT: To guide all employees in ensuring all individuals coached are aware of their Rights and Responsibilities while being coached by PNGI.

All individuals coached will have freedom from abuse, financial or other exploitation, retaliation, humiliation, and neglect. 

During intake and during development of service plans staff will review with the individual served their rights. Rights are found in individuals handbooks, our Code of Ethical conduct, and on our website.

Our practices include:

Being treated with respect at all times. 
Be provided with services that are responsive to their unique needs and situations.
Receive full and informed orientation to services.
Be informed of their Rights and Responsibilities in the right to respect, regardless of culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic status, or language.
The right to freedom from abuse, exploitation, retaliation, humiliation or neglect.
Be involved in all aspects of their Personal Empowerment Plans.
Consent or decline any service offered to them as well as end service at any time.
Know the qualifications of the service provider.
Receive information in a timely manner.
Diversity is recognized.
Access to all services regardless of culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, spiritual beliefs, socio-economic status or language.
Make a complaint and receive information regarding the result of their complaint without fear of reprisal.
Access their file according to the Personal Information and Privacy Act.

Privacy Policy Information
(click for download)


Governing Legislation:
 Child, Family and Community Services Act, RSBC 1996, c 46
 Child Care Act SBC 2001, c 4
 Human Rights Code RSBC 1996, c 210
 Criminal Code of Canada RSC 1985, c C-46
 Health Professions Act, RSBC 1996, c 183

Employment Conflict of Interest

INTENT: To clarify what a conflict of interest is and what PNGI’s expectations of the employees. 

Employees of PNGI are expected to avoid situations which could result in a conflict of interest or result in a public perception that a conflict exists, as well as any action that would compromise or undermine the trust which the public, persons served and funders have with PNGI.  

A conflict can be defined as private affairs or financial interests that impair the employee’s ability to perform work duties, carryout responsibilities and obligations or act in the Society’s and/or persons served best interest. PNGI recognizes the right of employees to be involved in activities as citizens of the community. However, employees will keep their role as a private citizen separate and distinct from their responsibilities as employees.


Employees will avoid situations where they would either benefit themselves or become obligated to any person who might benefit from or seek to gain special consideration or favor. Employees will not use PNGI property, resources, space, or information gained through their association with PNGI for private use that places them in such a situation.

Ethical Treatment 

INTENT: To ensure the utmost of ethical treatment of those to whom we provide services.

The four main components to this policy are:

Employees will not act in any manner towards an individual that could be judged or perceived as belittling in nature by others, whether these actions be verbal (i.e., swearing or derogatory labeling) or non-verbal (i.e., facial expressions or gestures).

Age Appropriateness
In every aspect of our involvement with an individual we will encourage interaction, behavior, and service delivery that would be appropriate for any person in that same age group.

Least Restrictive Involvement
In all interactions and services provided to the individuals, employees will provide only the minimum amount of support required for the individual to succeed in order to empower them and encourage independence and confidence.

Employees must always be mindful not to do something for an individual that they are capable of doing for themselves. We coach them; offering support, and encouragement, but must always be cautious about falling into a ‘caregiver’ role with the individuals, we are not ‘caregivers.”

A value statement within PNGI is Vision & Voice; 
We live our best lives when we chart our own path!
Lead by going first.

PNGI believes that all services and planning is led by the individuals, we all drive our own boat. All individuals have the right to be involved and included in any planning, decision making, or service provision actions done on their behalf. In the event the individual needs their voice, interests and wishes shared by a proxy then verbal or written consent must be obtained and documented in order to conduct a meeting about them without them present.


INTENT: To clarify PNGI’s belief in advocacy and the expectations on how to ensure we advocate for our individuals and PNGI.
PNGI is committed to positive advocacy actions to address traditional fears, attitudes and barriers that make it difficult for individuals to integrate and experience full inclusion in their lives. We are committed to build on positive relationships, ensure those we serve are treated with dignity and respect they deserve, and assist those we serve to be valued and contributing members of their communities. 

We will reduce these barriers to integration through a combination of education, exposure, good public relations and the setting of positive examples of appropriate attitude regarding the rights of those we serve during both working and non-working hour. 

We will support access and referral for those we serve to legal entities for appropriate representation, self-help support and advocacy support services.  


INTENT: At all times PNGI will take reasonable steps to identify and eliminate barriers for participation.

PNGI is committed to supporting high quality inclusive practices. PNGI respects that inclusion is a right of all we serve.

Inclusion being an attitude and approach that embrace diversity and differences and promotes opportunities for all. Inclusion as a right means all have equal access to and can participate meaningfully in our services.

We believe:

          In the assurance of life, dignity and respect for all.

          That people are best nurtured by a family that knows, loves and honours them for who they are.

           That adults have a right to choose where and with whom they will make a home.

            That relationships and friendships are essential to enrich our lives.

           That all people have the dignity of taking risks.

            That all individuals are entitled to enough money to have a reasonable quality of life.

            That all individuals are entitled to the services and supports required to ensure their full participation in our society.

            That real work means real pay.

            That each person can determine their own needs and make their own decisions, and when necessary, must receive the support                to do so.

             That the involvement of families and support networks contributes to everyone’s safety and well-being.

            That services and supports must be delivered in a way that respects an individual’s diverse history, culture, race, religion and                     sexual orientation.

             That remembering and sharing our history will help guide and build our vision for the future.

             That inclusive communities enrich the lives of all citizens.