Are you ready to
 live your best life?

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We coach and empower people to live their best lives.

Meet The Advisory Team

In 2022 while journeying through accreditation it was identified that we would benefit from a formal process that allowed for feedback, guidance and support when making decision within the business. At that time Kristie identified two people who had supported the CEO with business strategizing thus far, Shana Braden and Shooie Harrison. In 2023 we invited Nancy Thibeau to the team as our representative who understood CLBC practices and to ensure we maintained best practices.

Our advisory team meets formally twice a year to strategize and informally at any time the CEO is in need of support and guidance. IN the event something unforeseen happened to the CEO the advisory team would be responsible to follow the succession plan and support the team through the transition.

Pictured with our team is Milena Canta. Milena became the CEO’s business coach in 2021, her role is to facilitate meetings, document our progress and keep the CEO accountable to the strategic direction.

Pictured top to bottom, Left to right; Shana Braden ( Advisor), Kristie Ebeling (CEO), Shana Braden (Advisor), Milena Canta Business Coach), Nancy Thibeau (Advisor), Shooie Harrison (advisor)

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Meet The Management Team

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Goal Planning

Empowerment Planning – PEGs and PEPs

PNGI’s planning process is all about putting people at the centre of their own coaching experience.

Each person at PNGI works with the Vision Coach to define themselves, visualize their best life, and develop Personal Empowerment Goals (PEG). Then, coaches support breaking down these big Focus Goals into small and manageable steps – we call this list of practicable, actionable small steps a “Personal Empowerment Plan (PEP). The Personal Empowerment Plan (PEP) gives coaches a map supporting weekly activities that get each person closer to the goals that matter to them. Coaches track weekly, and goals are reviewed and assessed seasonally and annually.
The initial planning session is usually done 1:1 with the vision coach. 

Coaching is a valuable time for people to let us know what matters to them and exercise their own unique and robust voice. Coaches encourage people to invite family members, friends, and other people who are important to them in future meetings; we want people to feel loved and supported and actively engage their support networks.

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Community Inclusion

Everyone needs support to live a fulfilling life as an adult. Most of the time that support comes from family, friends, neighbours, or co-workers. If you are a person with a disability, that support can come from a Support Worker who has expertise and experience in assisting with areas that can be challenging. From a few hours a week or a few hours a day, Life skills Support can help meet these challenges.

Life skills Support is available for all adults: those who live in their family home with their parents and those who live on their own.

PNGI's Life skills services are offered in Terrace and Kitimat, BC. Services are funded by Community Living BC (CLBC) and can be requested by anyone over the age of 19 years old who is eligible for CLBC services.     

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The LIFE program is a new addition to our services.  This program is an individualized, meaningful and purpose driven service.  It focuses on four different pillars of LIFE; Learning, Inclusion, Friendship and Employment. 

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PNGI provides outreach support to individuals looking for coaching within their homes. 

First a coach would be matched with the person that can best suit the persons needs.

The coach will visit the persons home to give support with daily living skills that have been identified in their vision planning meeting.

This is done one on one and is not limited to being with in the home; It can include coaching within the community as well.



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Our vision is to encourage and empower individuals to get out of their comfort zone by exploring new areas and revisiting places previously enjoyed in order to expand their knowledge and experience the adventures and hidden beauty within their own back yard."

Our mission is "Empowering People Towards Adventure, Hello Adventure" 

Please connect with us through our email:

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Hello Adventures (Self-Led)

Professional Support

PNGI offers Professional Support Services to the Terrace, Kitimat, Prince Rupert and Smithers communities. Our services, which are requested through Community Living BC, are personalized to the individuals we serve, their service providers and families. The goal is for individuals to have their best quality of life. 

The main roles of the PNGI behaviour consultant consist of:

- Assisting service providers in developing behaviour support plans and safety   plans, where required, 
- Provide ongoing training and support to assist service providers in developing behaviour support plans. Often, this may include providing in-service training to specific staffing groups and other caregivers, or facilitating educational and skill building opportunities for a broader audience of support staff, and to
- Coordinate planning when individuals transition from MCFD to CLBC or from living at home to supported or independent living.

We strive to provide intervention in a timely manner to any behaviour crisis including onsite mentorship.   

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Our Strengths

Community partners who speak highly of the organization's demonstrated commitment to a person-centred approach. The organization's focus on kindness, love, and empowerment of the individuals served to have the lives they want stands out.

Reputation of encouraging individuals served to use their voices to advocate themselves. 

We encourage individuals to use their voices to advocate themselves and lead their life.

PNGI is a learning organization. It is known to be open to feedback. Staff, coaches, and persons served alike are asked to sign a commitment to kindness. The world would be a bette place if we all lived with PNGI's values solidly in place. 

"We are all different, and that's beautiful."

- Karen Salmansohn 

A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot. 

- Unknown

Diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice, and belonging is having that voice be heard.

- Unknown